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heretical articles nos. 724 to 737


Chapter FIVE


Heretical Article No. 724:

Pastor Kocourek: Therefore, for the rest of this discourse where he uses the terminology “Quote Lee Vayle, Church Age Book” and then proceeds to give the page number, we shall drop the term “Quote Lee Vayle”… Therefore the quotes shall read as “Wm Branham, Church Age Book”… Therefore, I shall rewrite the name William Branham where Dr. lee Vayle has been listed in this entire discourse from here out.


E.O.D.H. Answer: On this  stage of my discourse, it is not hard for anyone  to see that you are determined to employ your treacherous plot to victimize me as, anti-message and anti-Branham by perverting my writings to say “Brother Branham” where I stated “Dr. Vayle,” since he was editor of the C.A.B. Since you are defeated by the Word and message by my discourse, you have employed carnal weapons of war to direct the attention of your followers away from the real issue. 

You don’t want them to know that the Prophet condemned this heresy that says that the new birth and Baptism of the Holy Ghost are the same experience.

The Prophet based his defense against that heresy upon the written Word and revelation of the Holy Ghost. I stand firmly upon his teaching. None of your lies, perversion of the Word and quotations of the Prophet are able to change that truth or remove me off that foundation.

On the subject “An Ear to Hear,” you have twisted the meaning of Dr. Vayle’s heresy in a shameless, hypocritical manner, insomuch that even your disciples would know that you are lying. You said I cannot read, so I don’t understand what Dr. Vayle is teaching: They will also see from our discourse that you cannot spell, thus you cannot read.

You have twisted this heresy to say it is the evidence of the Holy Ghost, when in fact Dr. Vayle is saying that the Spirit must be first dwelling in a person to hear and receive the message and revelation of the age. That is very cunning and diabolic, even like the tongue of the serpent speaking to Eve.





Heretical Article No. 725: The C.A.B. is not saying that a person can be filled with the spirit of God before receiving the Word for the Age.


Pastor Kocourek: …he is misunderstanding the wording in the Church Age Book in reference to the evidence of being spirit filled and he thinks there is a difference between being spirit filled and receiving the New Birth. Where I think this Foreign Pastor might be having his problem is that he is looking at the following quotes from Wm. Branham in the Church Age Book and he is thinking that they are saying that a person can be filled with the spirit of God before receiving the Word for the Age.


Church Age Book (C.A.B.): 141-1 And to every age we hear the same truth. "He that hath an

ear let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches." But only a Spirit-filled man can “hear” the revelation for that age. None other can. No sir. They cannot because that is exactly what Paul said in I Corinthians 2:6-16. (Smyrnaean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.4).


Now, to the unlearned this may look to appear hear that Wm. Branham is saying that only a Spirit filled person can actually listen with their ears and believe, but that is not what this statement from the Church Age Book is saying at all.


E.O.D.H. Answer: This is a lie. You, Pastor Kocourek, or I are not having problems to understand Dr. Vayle’s statement; he said:


Quote Dr. Lee Vayle; Church Age Book: 143-1 If the Spirit wasn't inside, you wouldn't hear the truth and receive it by revelation if you heard it every moment of the day. That was the sign of the indwelling Spirit in the days of Paul. Those who were filled with the Holy Ghost heard the Word, received it and lived by it. Those who did not have the Spirit heard it only as carnal men, put a wrong interpretation on it and went into sin. (Smyrnaean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.4).


Quote Dr. Lee Vayle; Church  Age Book: 144-1… then we know that the Spirit has to be abiding in the person or he cannot receive the truth for that time. Amen. That is exactly correct. (Smyrnaean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.4).


Quote Dr. Lee Vayle; Church Age Book: 164-3 …The Word always comes to the truly Spirit-filled. That is the evidence of being filled with the Holy Ghost. (Smyrnaean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.4).


Quote Dr. Lee Vayle Church Age Book: 165-2 In every church age we hear these words, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." The Spirit gives the Word. If you have the Spirit you will hear the Word for your age, as those true Christians took the Word for their age. (Smyrnaean Church Age - Church Age Book Cpt.4).  


This does not require your Greek or Hebrew to understand; neither your cunning love Gospel and hypocrisy: “Where I think he might be having his problem”.

You are purposely trying to change the meaning of Dr. Vayle’s statement to hide this heresy. Other statements verify the same.


            Not, do I only “think”, but believe and can sufficiently prove by the scripture that they are two separate experiences, even like the Prophet said. Many saints of both the O.T. and N.T. spiritually discerned, heard the truth and recognized the messenger and his message, identified and confessed Christ of the age without the experience of Pentecost.


Matthew 16:13-16—Thou art the Christ the son of the Living God.

Luke 1:41 Elizabeth - Mother of my Lord’s blessed is the fruit of the womb.

Luke 2:25-32—Simeon - Mine eyes have seen thy salvation

Luke 2:36-38 – Anna Prophesied of Christ. - She gave thanks unto the Lord

John 1:29-34 – John Baptist - Behold the Lamb of God

John 1:40:42 – Andrew & Simon Peter. - We have found the Messiah-Christ

John 1:43:51 – Phillip & Nathaniel - Thou art the son of God, thou art the king of Israel

John 4:19-25 – Woman of Samaria. Sir I perceive that thou art a prophet

John 6:67-69 – We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the son of the living God.

Acts 9:3-5 --   Who art thou Lord Acts 9:17-18 - Be filled with the Holy Ghost.


They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and were not born again. It was not even preached nor understood (John 3:1-5). Thus, this truth reflects your gross ignorance on the subject of the Holy Ghost and the new birth.   


Heretical Article No. 726: The C.A.B. is not saying that the person has to have the spirit first or he can not receive something that comes his way.


Pastor Kocourek: Church Ages Book: 144-1… then we know that the Spirit has to be abiding in the person or he cannot receive the truth for that time. Amen. That is exactly correct.

I want you to notice that here it appears that the person has to have the spirit first or he can not receive something that comes his way. But that is not what this says at all.


E.O.D.H. Answer: Dr. Vayle expressed himself in no uncertain terms. It’s dishonest to put a different meaning to it. A heresy cannot justify a heresy.



Heretical Article No. 727: E.O.D.H. is challenging the statements of the prophet in the C.A.B. because of not understanding what it means “to hear.”


Pastor Kocourek: That Foreign pastor states: “I positively state” that a man does not have to be spirit filled to “hear” the Spirit and truth for the age… Apostle Paul declared that a man is sealed or Spirit filled, baptized with the Holy Ghost, and receives the article of Pentecost, after he hears the Word of truth, the gospel message of the age. End of Foreign Pastor statement:


Now, first of all I think if our brother Foreign Pastor does not understand what the word “hear” means from brother Branham, and so he thinks it simply means “to audibly hear the sound of”. But if he understood what the word “hear” means and as defined by brother Branham himself, he would not be challenging these statements of brother Branham.


E.O.D.H. Answer:     I am challenging the statements of Dr. Vayle. They are not the prophet’s statements. To hear is to understand by revelation (St. John 5:24). This can happen before the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Dr. Vayle’s heresy is contrary to this truth of the Word and message.


Quote W.M.B.: 37 ... The baptism of the Holy Ghost is different from the new birth.

…you have the new birth by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ…Now, if you want to back that up, take St. John 5:24... ...he's got Life because he believes. And that same group had to go to Pentecost to be baptized with the Holy Ghost...

…So when talk like you got to be born again, and applying that to the Holy Ghost, many of the Methodists and so forth are wrong there. ...It just won't cope to the Scripture here. You get the thing sideways. It's got to take it the way the Scripture's got it placed out here. (Countdown 62-0909M).



            Heretical Article No. 728: The Baptism of the Holy Ghost referred to in the C.A.B. is not the article of Pentecost.”


Pastor Kocourek: …our brother is referring to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as the article of Pentecost instead of referring it to what it is, and that is the infilling of the very Spirit Life of God. There is a difference between being baptized or anointed with power for service and then being baptized or given new birth in your soul.


E.O.D.H. Answer:     The baptism of the Holy Ghost Dr. Vayle referred to was the article of Pentecost, St. John 14: 26.


Quote Dr. Lee Vayle; Church Age Book: 144-2 Now before we leave this subject I want to make myself very clear on what the Baptism with the Holy Ghost is according to the Word. It is not according to me, and it is not according to you. It has to be according to "Thus saith the Lord," or we are falsely led. Amen.

...I want to tell you exactly what I mean. I mean for the sinner to come forward and be born again, which is to be baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Ghost which is exactly what took place at Pentecost when the church was launched. In other words, to be born of the Spirit is to be truly baptized with the Holy Ghost. It is one and the same. (Smyrnaean Church Age – Church Age Book Cpt.4).


You are a pretty confused successor of Dr. Vayle. How can you defend his heresies if you do not even know, and deny what he has written in the C.A.B. It shows that you were not faithfully taught, or you would know the quotation above is in the C.A.B. Now, who could read and who can’t read? This has disarmed you and your interpretation, and all your excuses and denial of what Dr. Vayle taught.



Heretical Article No. 729: The Baptism of the Holy Ghost that Helps you to understand the Word is the new birth.”


Pastor Kocourek: “hear” means to “understand”.

            … From his sermon Key to the door 62-1007 P: 68 Brother Branham said, No man can understand the Word outside the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And when a man says he's got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and disputes the Word being right, there's something wrong.

            …Ands the Apostle Paul told us the only way you will understand the thoughts of God is to have the Spirit of God in you. And that is the new birth.


            E.O.D.H. Answer:     Pastor Kocourek, you took only part of the quotation. In that very quotation the prophet said that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost that helps you understand the Word is different from the New Birth. Your perversion of the prophet’s words cannot justify Dr. Vayle’s heresy that says “that the spirit must be inside the believer before he can hear the Word.” The prophet’s statement divided Birth from Baptism. It is speaking of people who claim the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and then deny the Word. This is what you are doing Pastor Kocourek. Examine your heresy by the whole quotation.


            Quote W.M.B.: 136    Now, when I was born into the family of God, I came by the Blood; the Blood give me Life. And then after I become alive in Christ, He baptized me with the Holy Ghost and power to be a son of God…Now, when I receive the Holy Ghost, I receive power to cast out devils, to speak with new tongues, preach the Gospel, heal the sick. I am baptized, not born; but baptized. They were gathered in the upper room…And power for service came. (Amen.)

You believe unto Eternal Life, and are born again by your faith. Jesus said in St. John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting life," not the Holy Ghost, just has Everlasting Life. He's born into the family of God, and then baptized into the Holy Ghost, with power of the intelligence of faith to believe the Gospel and to put it to work and make It act right.

…He said, "It's expedient for Me that I go away. For, if I go not away, the Holy Ghost will not come." See? Then when He comes, He will reprove the world of sin, and teach righteousness, and show you things to come; that's visions. "He'll take the things that I've taught to you, and reveal them to you." The very Words that He's come... No man can understand the Word outside the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And when a man says he's got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and disputes the Word being right, there's something wrong. (Key To The Door 62-1007).



Heretical Article No. 730: The author of E.O.D.H. seems  to have a problem with reading or he would understand that the quotes of Dr. Vayle in the C.A.B. do not say that the person is filled with the spirit prior to hearing the Word of God.


            Pastor Kocourek: our brother seems to have a problem being able to read. The quotes that William Branham spoke in the church age book do not say that the person is filled with the spirit prior to hearing the Word of God. It says that his “Hearing or understanding” is evidence that he is Spirit filled, and is also evidence that he understands what is being taught.


E.O.D.H. Answer: A man who cannot spell cannot read. Let your readers judge between both of us. Dr. Vayle from the quotations below is saying exactly what you denied: “The true evidence of the Baptism is to receive the Word for the age.” He also re-emphasized the same fact in other statements that you alone conveniently refused to understand. This is so very well understood by most people in the message worldwide, that many are resting their faith on it for the rapture. They are “packed up, sealed up and ready to go.” This heresy has deceived them. Now that you understand how wrong it is, you are denying its true meaning. You blamed it upon my lack of understanding.


Quote Dr. Lee Vayle from Church Ages Book: 155-1 Now we have been constantly saying that the true evidence of being baptized with the Holy Ghost is for the believer to receive the Word for the age in which he lives. (Smyrnaean Church Age – Church Age Book Cpt.4).


            Quote Dr. Lee Vayle from Church Ages Book: 143-1 (Smyrnaean Church Age – Church Age Book Cpt.4).

1.     If the Spirit wasn't inside, you wouldn't hear the truth and receive it by revelation if you heard it every moment of the day.


2.           That was the sign of the indwelling Spirit in the days of Paul.

3.           Those who were filled with the Holy Ghost heard the Word, received it and lived by it.

4.           Those who did not have the Spirit heard it only as carnal men, put a wrong interpretation on it and went into sin.

5.   in every age the evidence was the same. Those who had the Spirit, the Teacher, heard the Word, and that Spirit in them took the Word and taught it (revealed it) to them; and they were of the group that heard the messenger and his message and took it and lived it.



            Heretical Article No. 731: Before you get the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, you can only have a mental faith and not spiritual revelation.


            Pastor Kocourek: I have always believed what brother Branham taught concerning our faith which begins in the mind first as a mental faith. And that is the faith that this brother is referring to which is prior to the baptism of the spirit. But brother Branham also taught us that when the Spirit of God moves upon that Word that we receive in our mind first, then He anoints it and once it is anointed, it drops into our soul and becomes a spiritual revelation to us. And that spiritual revelation is the new birth, and it is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

            From his sermon, Blasphemous names 62-1104M P:53 brother Branham said,… That faith recognizes only the Word… And when the word Itself is pouring into our faith, our mental faith becomes a spiritual revelation. “And upon this foundation I’ll build My Church,” (See?), not upon a mental conception of church.

            Again in the same sermon Blasphemous names 62-1104M P:56 He continues, … Number one, coming to you, your mental faith, right here, comes the Holy Spirit, coming down into your mental faith making it a spiritual faith. Then the spiritual faith only recognizes the Word. Now, and number two: Then you'll have the Holy Spirit, and will seal all these things into you, as that Holy Spirit covers this. From your faith up to the Holy Spirit seals you in with Christ; then you become one.


E.O.D.H. Answer: In his quote above the prophet separated the new birth from the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The prophet is saying that Peter had this spiritual revelation to build the church upon in Matthew 16, prior to receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost.



            Heretical Article No. 732: The spiritual revelation of the new birth is the baptism of the Holy Ghost.


Pastor Kocourek: that spiritual revelation is the new birth, and it is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Earnestly contending for the faith 53-0614A P:82 Why brother, it's by faith you're saved. Is that right? But listen. In accepting of your faith, God confirms your faith by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. If you say you believe, and you don't get the baptism of the Holy Ghost, then you do not, it, your faith isn't accepted in the sight of God. You've got a mental faith and in the stead of a heart faith. That's right. When you truly believe God, God's under obligation to pour the Holy Ghost on you.


            E.O.D.H. Answer:  The prophet is absolutely correct; God confirms your faith by the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. He is not saying it’s the spiritual faith. This is gross spiritual ignorance on your part. Now, who can’t read? You have perverted the quotation of the prophet to try to support your heresy that a spiritual revelation of the new birth is the baptism of the Holy Ghost.



Pastor Kocourek: From his sermon Token the 63-1128E P:74 brother Branham said, …When God has give you the true baptism of the Holy Spirit, then the Life of Jesus Christ is within you. Now, that's true; every theologian will have to admit that to be the truth; it's the new birth. You're borned anew, of the Holy Ghost… Br Branham clearly states here when God gives you the True baptism of the Holy Spirit, then (When? at the time of the true Baptism of the Holy Spirit) the very Life of Jesus Christ is within you, and he calls it “the new birth”. These are the same words that he uses in the Church Age Book, so these are not inconsistent with his own teaching. So let’s say all that the prphet says, my brother. Let’s not pick and choose what best fits your own theology.

Again Br. Branham says in his sermon, Hear recognize act on word 60-0221 P:61 …Now, anyone knows that the Seal of God is the birthright, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 4:30, says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you're sealed till the day of your redemption." When they were born again, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the new birth, we know that. You're begotten of the Spirit; I'll admit that. But until you're born...


E.O.D.H. Answer: I am not one to twist the message to win a debate. I come back to the Word on the above statements. The prophet did not tie it to the Word. His other teachings that say they are not the same were supported by the Word (St. John 5:24, Acts 2). I leave this to God and His prophet and hold to the written Word. These statements would not fit the pyramid teaching or his many quotations on the same subject. Jesus was first born right by the Word and was baptized by the Holy Ghost, thirty years after. This example stands as proof that all sons must come that way. The apostles were first born again (St. John 5:24), then went up to Pentecost for the true Baptism of the Spirit. The prophet emphasized this truth on many of his statements.



            Heretical Article No. 733: The filling of the Holy Ghost that Simeon and the Old Testament saints had was no different to what the 120 received on the day of Pentecost.


Pastor Kocourek: …I think our brother is confusing being filled with the spirit with what took place on the day of Pentecost where the people were anointed for service by the infilling of the spirit. To say that there was no baptism of the Spirit until the day of Pentecost is to deny that Jesus Himself had received the baptism of the Spirit himself. Now, I know that the Spirit that came into Jesus had not yet been given out as it says in St. John 7:39, but what spirit then was it that filled John the Baptist in His mothers womb. What Spirit was Jesus Christ baptized with himself as we see in several places of Scripture. In the Message.

            So we see that while Jesus was on earth after his baptism there was not a release of that spirit that was bottled up in him until after it left him at Gethsemane. But before Jesus was in-filled with the entire fullness of the Godhead bodily, there are numerous examples of people in Scripture who were filled with the holy Ghost.

… Elisabeth was “FILLED with what? With the Holy Ghost… Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Now, I ask you brother, what do you see here with this brother Simeon which was any different than what was shown in Scripture of those who had received the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost. Don’t you see, that all of God’s kids, old testament and new testament are going to have God-Life in them if they are in fact God’s Kids. God Life is God Life whether before or after the day of Pentecost.


E.O.D.H. Answer: I can see, from your long drawn out explanation of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost given to Simeon, Elizabeth, John the Baptist and others; also on the day of Pentecost that you have invented another heresy to say that there is no difference between what they received and what the 120 received on the day of Pentecost.


This is total ignorance on the Word of God and the message of the hour. This is where most of your heresies are based on the New Birth and Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This contradicts the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and denies the New Covenant that was prophesied to come to God’s people. I firmly declare that there is a difference of both articles of the Holy Ghost or fillings as the scriptures termed them. Because of this fact, Jesus said in St. John 7:39 the Holy Ghost was not yet given out. Your misunderstanding of what He said caused you to accuse me of teaching that there was no Holy Ghost until the day of Pentecost. That’s a lie! I quoted in my discourse where many were filled with the Holy Ghost before the day of Pentecost. If you blame me, you will also blame the Lord Jesus, since he is the one that preached that doctrine that the Holy Ghost was not yet given out. Now, who is confused?


This proves that the filling that the people received before the covenant was changed was without the New Birth or born again experience. That is why they did wrong things and were punished of God. The Baptism on the day of Pentecost came upon the 120 to confirm that they were previously born again by spiritual faith (St. John 5:24).



            Heretical Article No. 734: You cannot have eternal life prior to receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost.


Pastor kocourek: But the real problem I see here is that Pastor just does not understand what Eternal life is. I wish he did, but this whole discourse he has been fighting the prophets words unknowingly with the prophets words knowingly.

Brother Branham said in Things that are to be 65-1205 P:23 Now, the only way that you can be a son or daughter of God... Because you have to be the--have to have Eternal Life... And there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life… to be a son of God, you had to be in Him always. The gene of your life, spiritual life tonight, was in God the Father before there was even a molecule. See? And you are nothing but the manifestation of the gene of Life that was in God as a son of God. Now, you're expressed, after His Word has come in you to light up this age. You are the, expressing God's Life in you, because you are a son or a daughter of God. Therefore... God knew that you would be here, because you have to be one of His genes or His attributes. You had to be. If you've got Eternal Life, then it always was Eternal Life.


E.O.D.H. Answer:        I see your diabolic lie employed in your statement here, that I am fighting the prophet’s words. According to the prophet’s teaching St. John 5:24 is eternal life, which they received by a revelation of Jesus Christ and the gospel. The baptism of the Holy Ghost followed that experience on the day of Pentecost. This is the prophet’s teaching. Don’t try to twist it out of context


Quote W.M.B.: 38 have the new birth by being--believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. See? By having faith and accepting Him as your Saviour, that's birth ...because you've passed from death unto Life. Now, if you want to back that up, take St. John 5:24... ...he's got Life because he believes. And that same group had to go to Pentecost to be baptized with the Holy Ghost...

Holy Ghost is power for service. So when talk like you got to be born again, and applying that to the Holy Ghost, many of the Methodists and so forth are wrong there. ...It just won't cope to the Scripture here. You get the thing sideways. It's got to take it the way the Scripture's got it placed out here. ..."You shall receive the new birth after this"? What? No. "You shall receive power (Acts 1:8) after this the Holy Ghost is come upon you." And they'd already believed to Eternal Life, and so forth, but they had to have the Holy Ghost for power. "You shall be witnesses unto Me after the Holy Ghost is come upon you," because the Holy Ghost is a witness of the resurrection, showing that you have become an adult in Christ. (Countdown 62-0909M).


Quote W.M.B.: 269-363 ... when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you then have the new birth. When you believe on the Lord, you receive a new thought, a new life, but it isn't the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You've got the new birth when you believe; you've got Eternal Life. It's a gift of God that's give to you through sovereign grace by accepting the gift that God is giving to you. "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life, has Everlasting Life"; that's the new birth. You're converted; it means you're turned around.

But the baptism of the Holy Spirit puts you into the body of Christ, subject to the gifts for service. It doesn't make you any more of a Christian; it just puts you into the body of gifts. "Now, by one Spirit...we're all baptized into one body. Now," says Paul, "there are different gifts, and in this body is nine spiritual gifts." And in this body... You have to be baptized into the body to possess one of these gifts. They come with the body. (Q&A Hebrews Part 2 COD 57-1002).


Quote W.M.B.: 270-367 Now, when you believe, Jesus said, "You have Eternal Life." That's the new birth. That's your conversion, changing. But the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the power of God that you're baptized into and are subject to these nine spiritual gifts to work through you... (Q&A Hebrews Part 2 COD 57-1002).


Quote W.M.B.: 270-367 Now, when you believe, Jesus said, "You have Eternal Life." That's the new birth. That's your conversion, changing. But the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the power of God that you're baptized into and are subject to these nine spiritual gifts to work through you...”; such as, preaching, evangelists, apostles, pastors, prophets... And all the gifts of the body come into this, when you're baptized into this body. And that's--doesn't make you any more a Christian; it just sets you positionally in a place to be a ministering spirit in the church of the living God. Now, you get it?”

The baptism of the Holy Ghost is a different act from the new birth. One is a birth; one is a baptism. One brings you Eternal Life; the other one gives you power. It gives power into Eternal Life to operate. Now, you got it? Okay, all right.” (Q&A Hebrews Part 2 COD 57-1002).



Heretical Article No. 735: Peter was not born again by his confession in Matthew 16.      


Pastor Kocourek: I hate to have to differ with my precious brother again but his example that he is using here of Peter doing something to be born again, isn’t Scriptural… Peter was not born again by his confession. He was not born again until he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told him at the last supper, “Peter, when you are converted strengthen thy brethren.Luke 22: 32 That means his conversion was yet to take place.

Why it had to be shepherds 64-1221 P:115 ""You've got to be born again." And when you're born again, it just isn't because you believe. They say, "You're borned when you believe." But the Bible said, "The Devil believes also." Now, notice, it's not that; it's an experience. You say, "Well, I've lived a good life." So did the apostles, but they wasn't borned again until they received the Holy Spirit. They wasn't even converted until they had received the Holy Spirit.

Now, Foreign Pastor You said, Peter the apostle was born again by a confession…Brother Branham said in Hear His voice 58-1005M P:102 Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? It's a birth, not a confession....


            E.O.D.H. Answer: The prophet said that Peter was born again by his confession in Matthew 16. You are saying he was not. You are wrong and the prophet is right.


            Quote W.M.B.: 36-4 What is the new birth then? You say, "Well, Brother Branham, what is the new birth?" It is the revelation of Jesus Christ personally to you. Amen. See?...

... He is the Word that was revealed to you. And no matter what anybody says, what takes place, it's Christ. Pastor, priest, whatever it might be... It's Christ in you. That is a--the revelation that the Church was built upon. (Christ Is The Mystery 63-0728).



            Heretical Article No. 736: Two baptisms of the Spirit. The first is with the birth. The second on the day of Pentecost is different.


Pastor Kocourek: Quote W.M.B.: 117 ... I don't believe in being born again is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It is not the baptism of the Holy Ghost; it's being reborn again. We're reborn by the Blood. Blood cell comes from cell comes from the Blood. You're baptized by the Holy Ghost into the body, but you're born by the Blood. (Influence Of Another 62-1013). End of Foreign Pastor statement:

… Now, I will admit here that I was having trouble with what brother Branham is saying here, because it seemed a bit confusing… So I believe what he is saying here is the baptism for power is not the new birth and I think we all agree on that.


E.O.D.H. Answer: You sound like a confused little boy! You disagree with the prophet on the same subject and tried to pervert his statements to fit your ideas, and now you are saying, we do all agree. Now, you are perverting the quotation of the prophet. It does not mean that they had the baptism with a birth before the day of Pentecost. He said on the above quotation, and all the other quotations that I have used in this discourse, they were born again by the Word (St. John 5: 24), then got the baptism at Pentecost.


Quote Pastor Kocourek: Influence of another 62-1013 P:75... I don't believe in being born again is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It is not the baptism of the Holy Ghost

Now, here we find brother Branham telling us that the new birth is not the baptism of the spirit, and yet in the Church Age book we find him saying,… What is the Baptism with the Holy Ghost? It is the Spirit Baptizing you into the body of Christ. It is the new birth.

Now, in reading these two different statements, it would appear that brother Branham was saying the opposite things about the baptism of the spirit and the new birth. In one record we find him saying they are not the same, and then in this it appears to be saying it is the same. But that is not what he is saying here. (Masterpiece 40 -2005 What is the New Birth and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.


E.O.D.H.: In 2005, here in your own words, you denied what Dr. Vayle wrote in the C.A.B. saying that he did not mean that the new birth and baptism are the same. And now, in 2008, in this discourse, you are defending Dr. Vayle, and justifying that heresy, and saying that they are one and the same; creating a baptism to line up with a birth, and another without it. There is only one baptism - “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” -Ephesians 4, like the day of Pentecost, that puts you into the body of Christ -1 Corinthians 12: 13-: There are several others that the prophet described, which a man can have and go to hell.


Quote Pastor Kocourek From C.A.B. Discourse: E-71 You must be borned again, and when you're borned again, then you must be filled with the Holy Ghost. (Door In A Door 63-0223).

Position in Christ 60-0522M P:40 And then God gave His children new birth by the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Now, is this a confused prophet speaking about two different baptisms of the Holy Ghost or is he speaking on one hand the true baptism which is the New birth and then a baptism for power and service?


E.O.D.H. In your above statement, you are desperately trying to prove that the birth and the baptism are two separate, different articles and that the prophet was not confused about his teachings. Now, in this discourse, you are “breaking your neck” to prove they are one. This is very hypocritical. You are not confused, but you are a shameless perverter of the Word.



Heretical Article No. 737: When Brother Branham said, “born again does not necessarily mean now that you got the Holy Ghost”, he was speaking of being born again by a corruptible seed.


Pastor Kocourek: Quote W.M.B.: 114 ... And born again does not necessarily mean now that you got the Holy Ghost. Now, many teach that. "I don't know anybody that teaches it like this," ... But new birth is not the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Scripture doesn't support it, I don't think (See?), to my way of seeing it. (Key To The Door 62-1007). End of Foreign Pastor statement:

And of course this is a very true statement, because you can be born again of a corruptible seed, and that means by man’s doctrine and not the Doctrine of Christ


E.O.D.H. Answer: You have invented a notorious lie against the teachings of the prophet to explain away that the new birth and the baptism of the Holy Ghost are not the same. You have twisted the prophet’s words to mean that he is speaking about being born again by a corruptible seed and man’s doctrine. You are a shameless fellow. You know better than what your tongue is saying, but to justify your heresy, you have perverted the words of the prophet. Nowhere did he mention or indicate that it was birth by a corruptible seed. He was referring to Jesus’ teaching based on St. John 3:3-5. Out of the same mouth, you said above, that you agree that the baptism of the Holy Ghost and new birth are the same. Now, you disagree.


The prophet said in that very quotation, that communion is for people that are born again. You interpreted that quotation to say that it is for people who are born by man’s doctrine. You are lying on the prophet. The full quotation reads:


Quote W.M.B.: 114 So communion is for Christians that's borned again of the Spirit of God. And borned again does not necessarily mean now that you got the Holy Ghost. Now, many teach that. "I don't know anybody that teaches it like this," ... But new birth is not the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Scripture doesn't support it, I don't think (See?), to my way of seeing it. (Key To The Door 62-1007).


Pastor Kocourek: Finally I would like to say that all the quotes our precious brother gave us to qualify his arguments came from pre-Seals sermons. Now, I am not one that says you don’t have to believe anything before the seals… However, that does not do away with the fact that if brother Branham taught a certain thing a certain way after the seals which was different than before the seals, then we should take note and teach the same as he taught. Therefore, I do believe that we must qualify pre-Seals quote with Post Seals quotes where there seems to be conflict. If brother Branham taught something and changed his teaching then we had best change ours as well.


E.O.D.H. Answer:     You cannot show me! I challenge you, Dr. Vayle and any heretic internationally to show me where the prophet made a difference with pre-seals sermons and the post-seals sermons. The revelation of his message from the beginning of his ministry to the end is a perfect revelation. He preached it and grew in the Word of God. Nothing is to be refused from that perfect revelation. So this is a dumb excuse for all the heresies that you have invented to protect Dr. Vayle’s heresies injected into the C.A.B.


I close my discourse with much disappointment in your general attitude, arrogant behavior, lies, accusations, perversion of scriptures, perversion of the prophet’s message, denying Dr. Vayle’s heresies and many other negative elements which you have manifested without shame, decency, respect, regard for the Word and message and the truth itself.


I will continue to expose all your heresies as they come to hand and I am in no way obligated to you or Dr. Vayle to have any discourse on those subjects. You do not have a humble spirit, or an approachable attitude. Therefore, I end this discourse with you. Amen!


Finally, I allow you this liberty to respond to this my exposition of all that you have written. Please be informed that our entire discourse will be posted on our website, since you refused to be admonished as a brother against the three major heresies that were injected into the C.A.B. by Dr. Vayle. He has proven to be a gentleman thus far, and if at 94 years of age he cannot comprehend the exposition of his errors, he is excusable. But you are without excuse because you are not an old man, but you are defending the errors of an old man, whom you indicated is not very alert. This reflects your self-will, pride and stubbornness to repent. The greater part of your discourse was based upon the idea of defending the personality of Dr. Vayle and not the Word of God.